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Peace, Health and Blessings!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

I'm on a Mission

Today's tasks in Jenny's world of Hep C, were to reconnect with the discussion forum at Hep C Nomads. If I haven't mentioned them before they are a welcoming supportive, knowledgeable online community with members from all over the world. I highly recommend checking it out if you have questions, need support or just want to compare experiences. They also have a forum for caregivers, an often overlooked yet relevant determinant in the experience of Hep C sufferers and those on treatment or experiencing the wait and process of liver transplant.. I hadn't posted in over a week and it felt good to catch up. It also reminded me how vital emotional support and understanding is to my state of mind and coping with the Depression that accompanies this process.
I am extremely grateful to have found this group and will include the link at the bottom of this post.
Task number 2 was to investigate, online, the city of Milwaukee Health Department and determine what, if anything, they are doing to educate, prevent and advocate for Hep C. Not surprisingly I didn't find much. It was clustered in the classification of std's and other communicable diseases. Many of the statistics and "facts" were incorrect or outdated. so I decided to send an email explaining, politely, what some of the needs of the Hep C community are and which are not being met. I specifically suggested that public education and training for physicians and nurse practitioners be given priority. Too few people are getting tested, and even the medical community knows very little about the signs of Hep C and it's prevalence. We'll see what kind of response I get. One thing I learned as an advocate is if you don't receive a response in a reasonable amount of time, you find out who occupies the next rung on the ladder. I've followed that ladder all the way up to State Assembly on more than one occasion, just to help someone get Medical Benefits.
Tomorrow's task is to contact the Veterans administration, as they seem to be more on top of the topic of Hep C than most local entities I've encountered so far. Then my plan is to finally attend the support group that meets at one of the local teaching hospitals. Now that I've discovered Medicaid will pay for transportation, I'm finally able to make it out there.
So, that's where I'm at so far and I will report back with updates! As usual, I'm open to ideas and suggestions either by comment section or by email at nanakoosa@yahoo.com
Take care all, drink lots of water, get your rest and take care of YOU <3
 © 2010 Jennifer Hazard

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